His beautiful beautiful ugly hands

Javier Lozano

PogoBooks #025

His beautiful beautiful ugly hands

Javier Lozano

€ 8,00 EUR

PogoBooks #025

Edition of 120 Numbered Copies

28 pages

14 x 20 cm

Xerox Print on Recycling Paper

Publication Date: September 2012

Status: Out of Print

This Zine is basically a compilation of drawings from personal notebooks I´ve been making the last two years. The title "his beautiful beautiful ugly hands" is about the moving importance of subjetivity in beauty perception. The way to show the drawings, as a "horror vacui", imitate the contemporary access to information, in other words, a stimuli saturation. This design tries to cause some effects in the observer: The sensation that the book is heavy and the impossibility to see anything at the first look. Many drawings are one next to the other,so they only can be appreciated if the observer move his own eyes on the paper, searching and locating one and isolating it from the drawings around it. This way will make possible to come back again and again to the book, discovering something new each time.

Javier Lozano, born in Spain in 1981. Graduated in Art. Interdisciplinary. Actually sited in Berlin. In constant search for questions and answers as well as for opportunities and collaborations.
